
Familiarise yourself with the equipment you are responsible for assisting with during examinations (especially the tube/table if you haven't been trained in fluoro). You will learn as you go, but have a basic understanding of the different machines you will encounter and for what purposes. Be sure to check out the troubleshoot section when things get out of rhythm!

For Siemens, check your email for the Siemens PEP Connect link or make an account and complete these 3 modules:

Siemens Image

Siemens/Syngovia Computer

  • Turning off: Make sure you turn off XWP first, then turn off the Siemens Artis Q (otherwise XWP will not be turned off properly/hard shutdown)
  • Turning on: No specific order. The tube/whole system will turn on when you turn on the computer.

Control Module



  • Hold both tilt buttons to re-zero back to 0 tilt.
  • Hold down the orientation button to change. Make sure this matches where the console is! (Otherwise, the machine will not move as expected.)


Auto/Preset Movements
  • Hold and push joystick forward to get a list of presets. Push to 'scroll' through them.
  • Select the desired position by clicking side buttons.
  • Hold and push forward to move into position.
  • Will appear on assist screen as moving into target position or movement completed.
Manual Movements
  • To move the whole C-arm unit back/forward and angle, push down whilst pressing side buttons.
  • To tilt the C-arm into cranial/caudal and RAO/LAO, just push down.
  • Back of the joystick has up and down buttons to change SID (be careful of hitting pt).
  • Reset filter/collimators by pressing down.
  • Magnification button on bottom right (start with 25 prior to engaging then drop to 20 once beginning to acquire in artery).
  • Final clean: rotate whole C-arm to lateral to clean bottom easier.

Screening (Fluoroscopy and Acquisitions)


Fluoroscopy (left side/blue)

  • Depending on cardiologist, may go down to 4p/s or 6p/s (lower p/s means the imaging will be less smooth, but save dose).
  • Ensure the bottom RDMP buttons are NOT selected (or else the reference image will overlay live image).
  • Default: stay on lowest setting (FL -).

Acquisitions (right side/purple)

  • May increase to VHH 2 or Coro BMI+ for the spiderview in large pts > 100kgs (going through dense area and at a steep angle).
  • Select the C-arm button to automatically display the reference image based on the tube position (only works with limited ~5 reference images so try not to save too many rubbish references!).
  • For LV and aortograms, increase to 15 f/s for better image quality.
  • When dose is getting high: reduce by using less angle, collimating in, reducing OID or reducing frame rates.


  • First select protocol, still checking with cardiologist what rate, volume, and PSI they want (ask exact numbers, not just 'protocol/preset' as each radiologist has their preference).
  • For arteries, PSI will never exceed 300 (risk of perforation).
  • Ensure ISI is on if injecting and acquiring automatically and not by hand-injection.
  • Check for error stating need to re-wind syringe to remove air - make sure to let nurses inside know!
  • Make sure to end case once completed (will reset volume used/injected to start fresh for new pt).

Sony Screen

  • Ensure correct pt and cardiologist is selected (otherwise unknown).
  • Finish once case is done.
  • May be (very rarely) used to record the case (so make sure each time the correct pt/dr is selected).


Table Not Moving

  • Re-zero tilt (even 0.4 degrees tilt which will appear as 0 on the screen will affect table movement).
  • Ensure lock is not selected on the touch screen.
  • Check bedside and our console emergency brakes are not on.

Tube Not Moving

  • Monitor sensors activated on roof railings.
  • Tube sensors activated/pressing on something.
  • 'Collision with pt': hold down preset position buttons 1 and 2.

Reset Machines

  • While holding preset buttons 1 and 2, press emergency button.
  • Wait a few seconds before releasing the emergency button.


  • Absolute final resort.
  • Let cardiologist know the table/tube will not be able to be moved for the next 10-15 minutes during restart.
  • Put table/tube in safe position first.

Incorrect pt details/examination

  • Only correct once finished (otherwise half will be correct and half will be wrong; very hard to fix)
  • Let a supervisor know and they will contact PACS